Beyond suffrage: transgressive contestation as a form of democratic citizen expression. Cases Chile and Ecuador


  • Juan Arturo Mila Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Jhonatan Andrés Lara Aguiar FLACSO Ecuador


political context, political field, democracy, protests, citizenship


Abstract: the purpose of this review article is to reflect on the protest scenarios present in Chile (against the policies of former president Sebastián Piñera) and Ecuador (the strike called by the indigenous movement, against the policies of former president Lenin Moreno), based on the postulates of the transgressive contest of McAdam, Tarrow and Tilly (2005) of Pierre Bourdieu's Political Field (2001). On the basis that the main mechanism of legitimization of the political class by the citizenry is the right to vote, the processes of collective mobilization are presented as mechanisms of social erosion that transmit, in a measure of interruption of the Status Quo order, a collective need for change in the direction of a country. In general terms, it is assumed that the contests are part of -and at the same time a consequence of- the impact of police decision-making on large population groups, where, leaving aside potential acts of vandalism, protests can carry as much legitimacy as the exercise of the vote in the construction and redefinition of the concept of democracy applied to a social compendium.


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How to Cite

Mila, J. A., & Lara Aguiar, J. A. (2024). Beyond suffrage: transgressive contestation as a form of democratic citizen expression. Cases Chile and Ecuador. Inova Jur, 3(1). Retrieved from


