
  • Fernanda Angelo Pereira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Mauren Porciúncula Moreira da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande


Statistical Education, Critical Statistics Education, Statistical Literacy, Statistical Learning Project, Discourse of the Collective Subject


This text presents ongoing doctoral research, which focuses on the study of a Statistical Literacy Project and the promotion of Critical Statistical Education (CEE) in the pre-professional training of young people in situations of socio-economic-environmental vulnerability. The study in question aims to investigate the experiences provided by the Statistical Literacy Project for a statistically critical training of young people in socio-economic-environmental vulnerability in the context of pre-professional education, aiming to advance the EEC theory. This research is characterized as a case study and is qualitative in nature. The corpus is made up of field research, interviews, questionnaires, specific instruments, among other resources that can be added to collect data relevant to the investigation. The research participants are students from a public pre-professional education institution from the second semester of 2022, in addition to the teachers of the aforementioned Project. The analysis of the collected data is aided by the Collective Subject Discourse methodology. The analysis of four constructed discourses revealed signs of EEC in the Project, based on the Statistical Learning Project methodology. The speeches analyzed demonstrate that the Statistical Literacy Project has the potential to contribute to the training of students, providing them with statistical skills and knowledge aligned with the EEC, promoting statistical literacy and allowing a deeper understanding of the role of Statistics in the social and social context. policy in which they are inserted.


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How to Cite

Angelo Pereira, F., & Porciúncula Moreira da Silva, M. (2024). The POTENTIALS OF A STATISTICAL LITERACY PROJECT FOR THE PROMOTION OF CRITICAL STATISTICAL EDUCATION: AN OVERVIEW OF AN ONGOING STUDY. Sulear Interdisciplinary Journal, (17), 87–101. Retrieved from