
  • Marina Moraes de Araujo UFPR
  • Adriano Heemann UFPR


exhibition design, collaboration, collaborative projects


Interview held at Mandacaru Design headquarters, on December 7, 2019, the company is in the city of São Paulo, the commercial and economic center of Brazil. Designer, Professor, and researcher Marina Moraes met the founders Bebel Abreu and Manaíra Abreu to collect data for the master’s research “Collaboration in Exhibition Design”, developed at PPG-Design at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR) guided by Professor PhD Adriano Heemann (MORAES, 2020). The interview covered the backstage of the collaborative projects: What Design Can and the Macanudismo Exhibition, which is a retrospective of Argentine cartoonist Liniers, work awarded at the Brazilian Design Biennial. Marina Moraes is a PhD student in Design at UFPR, master’s in design at PPG-Design UFPR (2020), specialist in Scenography at UTFPR (2014) and a degree in Visual Design at Universidad Positivo (2011). She has developed multimedia projects, exhibitions, and scenography in addition to working in the field of art education and mediation in museums. She is currently continuing her research in the field of Exhibition Design and collaborative projects.


ABREU, B. Expografia brasileira contemporânea: Rio São Francisco navegado por Ronaldo Fraga. Dissertação (Mestrado em Projeto, Espaço e Cultura) - Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2014.

MORAES, M. (2020). A colaboração no design de exposições. Dissertação (Mestrado em Design) Programa de Pós-graduação em Design, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR, Curitiba.


ABREU, B; ABREU, M. Entrevista concedida. São Paulo, SP. Novembro de 2019.



How to Cite

Moraes de Araujo, M., & Heemann, A. (2022). EXHIBITION DESIGN - COLLABORATIVE PATHWAYS. TRANSVERSO, (12), 266–296. Retrieved from https://revista.uemg.br/index.php/transverso/article/view/6897