



Design social, Design de mobiliário, desobediência, Totomoxtle


This study aims to highlight the impact of social design as a way to challenge the practices and narratives adopted by major furniture design industries, which often result in excessive waste production. The qualitative investigation explores how social design defies the predominant approach, prioritizing not only financial profit but also seeking to promote positive social and environmental impacts. By combining a critical review of literature, data analysis, and practical examples, the study demonstrates how social design can disobey the conventional view of furniture as disposable goods, associated with temporal trends, often leading to unwanted disposal and waste. Additionally, the Totomoxtle project by Mexican designer Fernando Laposse illuminates how social design can challenge such premises, emerging as an agent of transformation and resistance, through alternatives that emphasize social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and the enhancement of the quality of life of vulnerable communities.


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How to Cite

Pereira, M. V. (2024). POSSÍVEIS DESOBEDIÊNCIAS COM DESIGN SOCIAL A PARTIR DO PROJETO TOTOMOXTLE. TRANSVERSO, 1(14). https://doi.org/10.36704/transverso.v1i14.8242