Belo Horizonte e a França

relações culturais no período pré-design


  • Breno Pessoa dos Santos Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais


Design, Culture, Architecture, Identity


Incapable to follow the artisan culture of the country, characterized for the indigenous craftsmanship, design in Brazil followed a way of limited options until your affirmation in independent way. In this multicultural environment, France had strong influence over the Brazilian society in the first half of century XX. Considering that the search of the identity
of Brazilian design, passes for the inquiry of the events and developments related to the construction of our society, it
is important to recognize the French legacy that is present until today in the Minas Gerais culture. This essay look over the cultural link between France e Belo Horizonte through elements of the material culture legacy in the capital.


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How to Cite

Santos, B. P. dos. (2021). Belo Horizonte e a França: relações culturais no período pré-design. TRANSVERSO, 1(01), 31–35. Retrieved from


