Universal Design and Inclusive Design

transformations for a new application


  • Alexei Souza Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais


inclusive design, universal design, product design, user


In recent decades we note the emergence and development of design projects approaches called inclusive, especially on the product ́s development. These approaches and concepts comes from the perception of some authors like Mace (1985), Keates (1999) and Clarkson (2004), that the project design as it has been conceived, in its most conventional approaches, resulting in design exclusion, that implies in loss of users that presents physical, sensorial and motor impairments. This article aims to present such approaches, in order to understand them and compare their theoretical and conceptual aspects, as well as the necessary guidelines for the implementation of that design models.


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How to Cite

Souza, A. (2021). Universal Design and Inclusive Design: transformations for a new application. TRANSVERSO, (2), 21–37. Retrieved from https://revista.uemg.br/index.php/transverso/article/view/5396