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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

The articles must be presented in accordance with the following standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards: (a) Presentation of Articles in Periodical Publications, NBR 6022/03; (b) Abstracts, NBR 6028/03; (c) References, NBR 6023/02; (d) Citations, NBR 10520/02; (e) Progressive Numbering of Sections of a Document, NBR 6024/03.

The article should be presented with:

1. Identified Cover Sheet that must necessarily contain: Title in Portuguese and English (or Spanish); Name of each of the authors with the data of professional training, position/function, academic titration; Complete physical and electronic address of the author.

1. Unidentified cover page: Title of the article in Portuguese and in the chosen foreign language (English or Spanish). Informative abstract in Portuguese, indicating to the reader purposes, methodology, results and conclusions of the article, in such a way that it can dispense with the consultation of the original; Keywords in Portuguese, separated by each other by point, representing the content of the article. Abstract version and keywords in the same foreign language chosen.

2. Body of the Text: This part must consist of introduction, development and conclusion. Footnotes should be avoided whenever possible. The words Figure, Table, Attachment that appear in the text must always be written with the first letter in capital letters and must be accompanied by the respective number (Figures and Tables) or letter (Attachments) to which they refer. In case tables and/or figures of other authorship are used, mention the source below them. The use of expressions such as "the Table above" or the "Figure below" should not be used because in the publishing process the location of them can be changed. Manuscripts in the other editorial categories must present titles and subtitles according to the case

3. The tables should be presented according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, Tabular Presentation Standards, 1993. You can find an excellent Writing and Style Manual, made available by the Superintendence of Economic and Social Studies of Bahia by clicking on here. Digital images must be inserted one per sheet at the end of the text and should also be forwarded separately (as supplementary documents) in JPG, TIF or EPS format with a minimum resolution of 300 d.p.i. Moving audio or image files should also be forwarded as supplementary documents.

4. Use of Colors: it should be used in order to make it easier for the reader to understand the information contained in the text. In charts and tables, preferably use hatched in grayscale.

5. Papers must be typed in the Word Program, BrOffice or equivalent, in Times New Roman font, body 12, space 1.5, with consecutively numbered pages, in arabic numbers, in the upper right corner of the page. The call system of the quotations must be the alphabetic (author/date). The quotations should be indicated in the text, stating the surname of the author cited, in high box in parentheses or high and low box when they are part of the text, the year and the page where the information is located in the work consulted.


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