Procedimento para a medição do potencial hídrico foliar em cafeeiro usando psicrômetro de termopar
WP4, Plastic cover, Coffea arabicaAbstract
The thermocouple psychrometer (WP4-T) is an equipment that have been widely used for measure leaf water potential (LWP). According to the methodology suggested by the manufacturer to measure the LWP, the abaxial surface of the leaf must be sanded, in order to remove the cuticle and expose the stomata. In addition, there is evidence that synthetic or plant covers on the ground can influence LWPs. So, the objective of this work was to verify the influence of the sanding procedure and the effect of the soil cover in obtaining the LWP readings. The coffee leaves were collected in an experimental area that contained three treatments, namely: ground cover in the line of coffee trees with white plastic (Pb); ground cover in the row with remains of brachiaria from the periodic cuts between rows (Bq), and ground cover in the row with remains of weeds from the inter-rows that are cut periodically – (Pe). LWP data were subjected to statistical analysis and means were compared using the Scott-Knott (5%) test. The sanded leaves presented higher LWP values and it was verified that the Pb and Bq treatments provided higher LWP readings, which is probably related to the greater permanence of water in the soil in these managements.
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