Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water infiltration in soil managed in coffee growing with different covers


  • Érika Andressa da Silva Instituto Federal Catarinense
  • Pedro Antônio Namorato Benevenute Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Mariany Isabela Soares Domingues Universidade Federal de Lavras




Brachiaria, Coffee tree, Infiltrometer, Mulching


Introduction: Coverage (plastic or vegetable mulching) over the soil surface promotes variations in its physical conditions that can alter the water infiltration process.

Objective: It was to study the effect of different soil coverings on water infiltration rates and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (K).

Methodology: Infiltration tests were performed with a mini disk and Cornell Sprinkle Infiltrometer (CSI) in an experimental area under clayey Red Latosol. Density (Ds) and Macroporosity (Macro) were determined from undisturbed samples collected with a volumetric ring. The treatments consisted of: covering the soil in the row with white plastic mulching (Pb), covering the soil in the row with brachiaria remains from periodic cuts between the rows (Bq) and covering the soil in the row with remains of plants that grow between the rows of planting and are cut periodically - conventional (Pe). The experimental design was in randomized blocks with 3 replications and 3 treatments. The infiltration data were implemented in electronic spreadsheets and K was calculated. The K, Ds and  Macro data were submitted to analysis of variance and tukey mean test (P < 0.05).


Results: Higher K and Macro values were observed in Bq management.

Conclusion: The plastic cover over the soil negatively affected the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, causing a reduction in the infiltration rates of water in the soil.


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How to Cite

Andressa da Silva, Érika, Namorato Benevenute, P. A., & Soares Domingues, M. I. (2024). Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water infiltration in soil managed in coffee growing with different covers . Ciência ET Praxis, 17(32), 39–48. https://doi.org/10.36704/cipraxis.v17i32.7180

