About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Revista Perspectivas em Políticas Públicas (PPP) is an academic journal in partnership with the Master's Degree in Public Security and Citizenship, both linked to the "Tancredo Neves" School of Public Policy and Business Management - FAPPGEN of the State University of Minas Gerais. This scientific repository publishes theoretical-practical productions in the field of public policies and their interfaces with management and aims to disseminate knowledge productions from academic dialogues with the most diverse voices, discourses and social experiences. Its target audience is academics, analysts, students, researchers, technicians and politicians focused on research in the field of applied social sciences, humanities and planning and public intervention in the social and economic fields.

Peer Review Process

The process of evaluating articles submitted to PPP takes place in two stages, including the double blind review system:

- First step: consists of a preliminary evaluation of the Editor-in-Chief in conjunction with the Editorial Committee to verify the adequacy of the text to the editorial line of the Journal. Whenever they deem it necessary, they may request the adequacy of the text to the scope, and aspects such as contribution to the state of the art and novelty of the text. Only the works approved in this first stage will be assigned to "blind" peer evaluation.

- Second Stage: the original articles are sent to the evaluation of two members of the Review Board, or ad hoc evaluators, according to the blind review system. The criteria for the evaluation of the articles take into account relevance of the theme, originality, clarity and development of the text, methodology used, adequacy of the bibliography, conclusions and contribution offered to the knowledge of the area. In the case of reviews it will be considered if the commented work is recent (last two years) or if, being older, it has not yet been analyzed and has impact in its area of expertise.


The Journal is published every six months, in the electronic version, and there may be calls to special issues.


Free Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that providing free scientific knowledge to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge.


Indexers and databases

  • Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (LATINDEX);
  • DIALNET - Fundación Dialnet de La Universidad de La Rioja/Espanha;
  • LivRe Portal
  • USP Bibliographic Database - DEDALUS - USP/Brazil
  • Directory of editorial policies of Brazilian scientific journals - DIADORIM