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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • We have a policy of not accepting articles with authors linked to UEMG. Therefore, we do not accept papers that have as authors or co-authors: technical-administrative staff, teachers, students, alumni, scholarship holders, temporary staff, appointees or any other link with UEMG, due to inbreeding.

  • The survey must be submitted using exclusively the formatting mask present in this link. If you do not submit in this layout, your article will be automatically rejected.
  • - The author (s) declare (s) that the article is unpublished and that they are responsible for all statements made.
    - Los autores declaran que el artículo no está publicado y que son responsables de todas las declaraciones realizadas.
    - The author (s) declare (s) that the article is unpublished and that they are responsible for all statements made.

  • - All types of identification that could harm the blind evaluation system have been removed from the text.
    - All types of identification that damage the scientific evaluation system will be eliminated from the text.
    - All types of identification that harm the blind evaluation system were removed from the text.

  • - The author(s) declare that they have made due mention of any possible conflict of interest relating to the content of the article.
    - The authors declare that they do not need to mention any possible conflict of interests regarding the content of the article.
    - The author(s) declare that they have made due mention of any possible conflict of interest regarding the content of the article.

  • - The article has not been submitted to another journal or published in a work of doctrine, even partially - inform the Editor, when applicable.
    - The article was not sent to another magazine or published as a doctrinal work, unless it was partially, please inform the Editor, when appropriate.
    - The article was not submitted to another journal or published in a doctrinal work, even if partially - inform the Editor, when applicable.

  • - The research funder, when applicable, was duly identified.
    - The research sponsor, when applicable, has been duly identified.

  • - The authors have expressly notified the Editorial Board of the order in which their names will appear in the article (when this communication is not made, it will begin with the highest title).
    - The authors have been expressly notified to the Editorial Board of the order when the names appear in the article (when this communication is not carried out, it will begin from the title higher).
    - The authors have expressly notified the Editorial Board of the order in which the names appear in the article (when this communication is not made, it will start from the highest title).

  • - Graphics, tables and images were sent within the periodical's specifications.
    - Graphs, tables and images were sent within the magazine specifications.
    - Graphics, tables and images were sent within the journal's specifications.

  • - The biography to be used to identify the authors in the footer of the article will be written based on the data entered into the system. It is the responsibility of each author to update the information about them.
    - The biography that will be used to identify the authors at the end of the article will be written based on the data entered into the system. It is the responsibility of each author to update information about them.
    - The biography to be used to identify the authors at the bottom of the article will be written based on the data entered in the system. It is the responsibility of each author to update the information about themselves.

  • - All authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in the article submitted for evaluation.
    - All authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in the article presented for evaluation.
    - All the authors declare that there is no conflict of interest in the article submitted for evaluation.

  • - The authors verified the references and citations, taking responsibility for situations of plagiarism and inadequacy of the technical data mentioned.
    - The authors verified the references and citations, assuming responsibility for situations of plagiarism and insufficiency of mentioned technical data.
    - The authors checked the references and citations, taking responsibility for situations of plagiarism and inadequacy of the mentioned technical data.

Author Guidelines


  1. The maximum number of authors per article is 3, with at least 1 doctor, preferably.
  2. In cases of research results, 4 authors will be accepted, including 1 doctor, and it is mandatory to mention the funding agency in an initial footnote in the article (This article is the result of research funded by ...), without identifications that compromise the neutrality of analysis in the blind peer review system.
  3. All authors must be registered on the Journal page and, in their profile, fill in the information fields on their academic and professional credits, full address, affiliation, telephone and e-mail.
  4. Insert the link for the Lattes curriculum and the ORCID (with the indication http: //).
  5. In no way should the submitted text identify the authors before the evaluators who will analyze the text through the blind system (double blind review).
  6. Articles must have between 15 and 25 pages and be justified.
  7. The original works must be submitted with the format of the Word program (docx). A4 paper, Tahoma font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing.
  8. The system is adopted (Author, date). Long quotations and footnotes (explanatory only) must use the font Tahoma, size 10, single spaced, and indent the entire paragraph of 4 cm to the left. Citations in the body of the text (up to three lines), follow the formatting of this and just need to be indicated in quotes and with mention of the source. If they are paraphrases or rewrites, only the source must be indicated; if they are literal, also the page they appear in the work read.
  9. The title page must contain TITLE: Subtitle (if there is the latter) formatted in uppercase and bold.
  10. ABSTRACT (uppercase) and Keywords must be written in bold, but the accompanying text will be highlighted in letter 12 and single spaced. Maximum 250 words for ABSTRACT; 3 to 5 keywords, separated by period.
  11. TITLE, Summary and Keywords must be presented in the three language versions of the Journal: Portuguese, English and Spanish. The spelling and grammatical revision of articles in Spanish and English, if necessary, should be provided by the authors of the article.
  12. Tables, graphs and figures must be in accordance with the technical standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT). Send the files in spreadsheet format (Excell) or Word compatible (docx).
  13. REFERENCES must be formatted in accordance with ABNT, with emphasis in bold. It is the authors' full responsibility to verify the validity of the URLs used, as inactive or problematic links may justify the correction of the article before evaluating its possibility of submission (never include only the URL, formatting must be done in a complete way with all technical information regarding the mentioned content).
  14. Authors may fill in the “Metadata” field to include other supplementary documents, such as the digital version of the table or graph used in order to facilitate the design of the Journal. Send images in JPEG format with good resolution.
  15. Articles that contain data extracted in field research, questionnaires or interviews must send in the Metadata the proof of registration of the research in Brazil Plataform (
  16. The Journal Perspectives in Public Policies respects the ethical guidelines established by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and other research standards in force in Brazil


SOUZA, Luciana C. Logical structure for organizing scientific research: Basic text to assist researchers. Belo Horizonte: EdUEMG, 2020.

RODRIGUES, Michelle G.; PEREIRA, Thiago T. C. (Org.). 30 years of UEMG: Teaching experiences. v.1. Belo Horizonte: EdUEMG, 2019.

OLIVEIRA, José Antônio Puppim de. Companies in society: sustainability and social responsibility. 2ed. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2013.

WEBER, Max. Economy and society: Foundations of comprehensive sociology. Translated by Régias Barbosa and Karen Elsabe Barbosa. Brasília: UnB, 2004. 2v.

HOW NASA prepares to launch the largest space telescope ever built. BBC News, Brazil, Technology, March 16, 2020. Available at: Accessed on March 20, 2020.

BRAZIL. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, promulgated on October 5, 1988. Presidency of the Republic, Deputy Director for Legal Affairs. Available at: Accessed on July 3, 2019.

GENERAL CONTROLLER OF THE UNION. Ordinance 1,089, of April 25, 2018. Guidelines for bodies and entities of the direct, autonomous and foundational federal public administration regarding procedures for structuring, executing and monitoring integrity programs. Available at: Accessed on: August 1, 2019.

CAMARGO, Margarida Maria Lacombe. Constitutional effectiveness: a hermeneutical question. In: BOUCAULT, C.E.A; RODRIGUEZ, J. R. (Org.). Plural hermeneutics. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2002. p. 369-390.

SACRAMENTO, Ana R. S., PINHO, José A. G. Accountability: can we now translate it into Portuguese? Public Administration Magazine, Rio de Janeiro, n. 43, vol. 6, p. 1343-1368, Nov./Dec. 2009.

COURT UNION ACCOUNTS. Glossary of external control terms. Bulletin of the Federal Audit Court, Year 36, n. 31, 10/25/2017.


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