
  • Lara Valadares




Desenho de Políticas Públicas, Políticas Sociais Contemporâneas, Desigualdade, Equidade




Despite significant advances in Contemporary Social Welfare Policies, one of the great challenges faced is the significant inequality that limits access and treatment in a fair and equitable manner, especially when it comes to certain groups. To understand how this inequality occurs, this article was developed seeking to analyze to what extent, the Design of Health and Education Policies understand inequalities, interfering with access and treatment, education and health, expanding or reducing disadvantages. Few studies demonstrate the correlation between the configuration of the design, through bureaucracies, and the result of policies, regarding the dimension of inequalities and the potential for promoting equity of two large and relevant public policies, through qualitative magnifying glasses. As it deals with two fundamental policies in the last decades for the guarantee of Social Rights, access to policies was examined through the analysis of the current design, complemented by the vision of high and medium level bureaucrats. FUNDEB has shown that despite advancing towards reducing inequalities and implementing new incentives to promote educational quality, it still does not present such an intense direction when the design of the actions of the Family Health Strategy, inserted in the SUS, as will be dealt with in the article, an empirical study, on screen, which sought to address the Contemporary Challenges of Public Administration, through Public Policies and Development.

KEYWORDS: Design of Public Policies, Contemporary Social Policies, Inequality, Equity.


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How to Cite

Valadares, L. (2022). POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS CONTEMPORÂNEAS, DE EDUCAÇÃO E SAÚDE: O DESAFIO DE REDUÇÃO DE DESIGUALDADES. Perspectives on Public Policies, 15(29), 97–122. https://doi.org/10.36704/ppp.v15i29.6870


