
  • Carolina Angelo Montolli Fundação João Pinheiro
  • Lia Vieira Batista
  • Daniele Oliveira Xavier Fundação João Pinheiro




adicional noturno; judicialização; gestão estratégica de custos.


The night shift bonus, a labor benefit created in the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 in order to compensate workers for the physical and mental wear suffered during night work, has been claimed in court by servers of the public security force of the government of Minas Gerais, who deny its payment in administrative ways based on the financial impact of the action. Given this scenario, the main objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of the judicialization of the night shift bonus on the payroll and on the work routine of the State Secretariat of Justice and Public Security - SEJUSP. To this end, a qualitative and quantitative approach was adopted, with data collection carried out through participant observation and documentary research, in which were analyzed payment data from the Personnel Administration System - SISAP, court proceedings, SEJUSP internal control spreadsheets and data extracted from the Transparency Portal. The results showed that monthly expenses with the judicial payment of the night shift bonus increased considerably between 2018 and 2022, reaching an average of R$ 985,055.42 in the last year. It was also detected that 29.45% of the total number of servers in the Penitentiary Security Agent career had already earned the right to receive the night shift bonus in court by the end of 2022, which is why SEJUSP created an exclusive system for executing this payment, recurrently complied with outside the deadlines set by the magistrates, resulting in the collection of fines to the state. In addition, it was identified that considering a scenario in which expenditures present the highest value projections, in 2027, the estimated expenditure with night shift bonus at SEJUSP will exceed R$ 2.5 million reais. In view of the above, considering the pace of evolution of expenses, the additional costs inherent to the judicialization and the purpose of repairing the benefit, it was concluded that the government of Minas Gerais should already opt for the administrative payment of the night shift bonus to SEJUSP employees.

Author Biography

Carolina Angelo Montolli, Fundação João Pinheiro

Diretoria de Políticas Públicas


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How to Cite

Montolli, C. A., Vieira Batista, L., & Oliveira Xavier, D. (2023). A JUDICIALIZAÇÃO DO PAGAMENTO DO ADICIONAL NOTURNO NA SECRETARIA DE ESTADO DE JUSTIÇA E SEGURANÇA PÚBLICA DE MINAS GERAIS - SEJUSP. Perspectives on Public Policies, 17(33), 56–80. https://doi.org/10.36704/ppp.v18i33.8071


