converging lenses for the analysis of changes in public policies

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Public Action, Coalitions, Technical Knowledge, Change, Analysis model


The article aims to propose the convergence of the analytical categories from the Public Policy Pentagon (PPP) and Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) models to explain institutional changes in public policy subsystems, focusing on political coalitions supported by technical knowledge. From the structuring of cognitive and normative frameworks and the emphasis on two elements - the grouping of actors based on their beliefs and the use of technical knowledge as a political resource, the combination of two theoretical lenses in the context of the study of public action can be useful for analysis of public policy changes in different contexts of analysis, national or international.


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How to Cite

Neves Macedo, M., & Duarte de Araújo, M. A. (2024). PUBLIC POLICY PENTAGON (PPP) AND ADVOCACY COALITION FRAMEWORK (ACF): : converging lenses for the analysis of changes in public policies. Perspectives on Public Policies, 17(34), 123–149.