Inventando tipos de Design

princípios classificatórios e categorias


  • Leandro Tadeu Catapam UFPR
  • Marcos Namba Beccari Universidade Federal do Paraná.


classification, naming, design, philosophy, discourse


This article aims to analyze the categories related to form, function and good design, from the concept of dynamic nominalism. The idea is to study the possible echoes of a philosophical approach in classificatory ordinations in the field of design. Methodologically, Ian Hacking's concept of dynamic nominalism is proposed, situating the concept and its medical and behavioral application in the creation of types of people. The second part performs a collection of classifications based on interviews with designers from the book Design in Dialogue, to generate a discussion and a concluding synthesis that intends to understand how classification nominations in design can dynamically change under discursive and practical aspects.


Author Biography

Marcos Namba Beccari, Universidade Federal do Paraná.

Doutor em Educação pela USP. É professor do Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design da Uni- versidade Federal do Paraná. Trabalha princi- palmente com estudos da visualidade, estudos do discurso e estudos crítico-filosóficos em design. Líder do Núcleo de Estudos Discursivos em Arte e Design da UFPR.


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How to Cite

Catapam, L. T., & Beccari, M. N. (2022). Inventando tipos de Design: princípios classificatórios e categorias. TRANSVERSO, (11), 08–19. Retrieved from