Ferramentas para potencializar a participação infantil em processos de planejamento, desenho urbano e projeto de espaços livres urbanos



Children’s Independent Mobility, Qualitative Research, Environmental Perception, Geoinformation Technology.


Guaranteeing children’s right to the city involves ensuring that this population has access to high-quality urban open spaces and actively participates in urban planning and design processes. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of various tools––unstructured interviews, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) mapping, drawing-elicitation, photo-elicitation, and Multi-Criteria Analysis by Weights of Evidence––in promoting children's meaningful participation in such processes. Children aged between 6 and 12 years old who regularly use urban open spaces in the central region of Belo Horizonte took part in this research. The tested tools proved to be sufficiently robust to put into practice dialogical processes to promote children’s independent mobility by enhancing urban open spaces with and for children.


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How to Cite

Barros, P., Moura, A. C., Pires Diniz , A., Rodrigues de Almeida Sanches , M., & Protázio Santos , M. (2024). Ferramentas para potencializar a participação infantil em processos de planejamento, desenho urbano e projeto de espaços livres urbanos. TRANSVERSO, 1(15). Retrieved from https://revista.uemg.br/index.php/transverso/article/view/9005