Experience in reorganizing the work process of primary care in a brazilian municipality





Primary Health Care, Patient Care Team, Capacity Building, Change Management, Workflow


Introduction: Primary Health Care (PHC) is a care setting that must present constant changes in the work process, due to the dynamics of the territory and the health needs of the population. In this sense, it is necessary to think about sharing experiences that bring these changes in practice.

Objective: To report an experience that induces changes related to the work process in PHC.

Methods: This is a report of the experience lived by the authors during an action research that aimed to build collaborative competencies from the reorganization of the work process, empowering the protagonism of health professionals. This experience took place in the PHC of a municipality in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during May 2019 to December 2020, and was based on Paulo Freire's theoretical framework.

Results: The connection with the social reality/actors involved constitutes a potentiating element of this experience and of the changes brought about in the work process at hand. This experimentation can be understood as a movement that must occur longitudinally, so that the work process in health is continuously modified and responds to the nature, also dynamic, of health needs.

Conclusion: It is hoped that this report will inspire and bring about changes in the work process in other PHC realities, considering the potential of the strategic actions adopted in this experimentation.

Keywords: Primary Health Care; Patient Care Team; Workflow; Change Management; Capacity Building.


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How to Cite

Azevedo, C. V. M. de, Moura de Oliveira, D., Toledo de Mendonça, Érica, Lanna Martins Mafra, R., Moreira, T. R., Morais Polati, A., … de Souza Amaral, V. (2023). Experience in reorganizing the work process of primary care in a brazilian municipality . Ciência ET Praxis, 16(31), 41–49. https://doi.org/10.36704/cipraxis.v16i31.7341

