CALL FOR DOSSIER REVIEW PERSPECTIVA EM POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS (UEMG) QUALIS B2: Our voice, our turn: (re)thinking public policies based on ethnic-racial relations


The intensity of the guarantee of rights for the population of peripheral countries is much lower than in metropolitan countries. The expansion of the legacy of modern citizenship to minority groups such as children, young people, blacks, indigenous people, the poor and women continues to be unattainable in the state and democracy of contemporary society (CARNEIRO, 2005; KRENAK, 2020; FERREIRA DA SILVA, 2022), because even though we are under the regime of the so-called Democratic State of Law, the capitalist-colonial forces, by setting themselves against the Afro-Indo-American peoples, "not only burn, but also flood, implode, crush, bury, overturn with their earthmoving machines everything that is fundamental to the existence of our communities, that is, our territories and all the symbols and meanings of our ways of life" (BISPO DOS SANTOS, 2015, p. 76). 76).In the Brazilian context, when analyzing the situation of black people in Brazilian society, Gomes (2017) points out that the process of political emancipation of black people is very slow, and even without this process being fully effective, it can be seen that the relationship with capitalism tends to insert middle-class black citizens into the sphere of consumption, which masks and further aggravates the situation of the black population in the country. If, on the one hand, the hegemonic media exalt that there is a black and white middle class that consumes, on the other hand, there is still immense "unemployment that plagues the majority of the Brazilian population, within which blacks and browns are in the worst place" (GOMES, 2017, p. 113).This huge section of the unemployed black population lives at a level of poverty where they don't even enjoy the basic rights of citizenship or become public consumers. How can we get out of the crossroads of citizenship in the context of the liberal state? How can citizenship and public policies become tools for building an emancipatory society? What is the relationship between the living conditions of children, black people, women, the LGBTQIAPN+ population and other minorities in terms of rights, given the social reality in which they find themselves in Brazil and their access to public policies? How can we face the reality of a country like Brazil, in which everyone born after 1988 was and is educated in the principles of a Citizen's Constitution, whose basic articles include the idea of rights for all and participation in democracy, without the reality being democratic and fair to all?  To achieve human emancipation for all, where should we start? With this in mind, this dossier, organized by Prof. Dr. Otavio Henrique Ferreira da Silva (PPGSPCID/UEMG) for the journal Perspectiva em Políticas Públicas (Qualis Capes B2), seeks to receive research papers and methodologies from different areas of knowledge that address the issue of public policies in intersectional dialogues on ethnic-racial relations, articulated with childhood, youth, women, masculinities, social movements, education, peripheries and other possible worldviews in this debate. Articles written by researchers from outside the State University of Minas Gerais (a requirement of the journal) will be selected.

Timetable for evaluating and publishing papers:


By 30/09/2023 submission of the article via the platform.


By 30/11/2023 receipt of acceptance/rejection opinion.


By 15/12/2023 submission of the final version to be published.


By 28/12/2023 publication of the issue.



BISPO DOS SANTOS, Antônio. Colonization, Quilombos: modes and meanings. Brasília: INCIT/UNB, 2015.


GOMES, Nilma Lino. O movimento negro educador: saberes construídos nas lutas por emancipação. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2017.


CARNEIRO, Aparecida Sueli. The construction of the other as non-being as the foundation of being. 2005. 338f. Thesis (Doctorate). University of São Paulo, Postgraduate Program in Education, São Paulo, 2005.


FERREIRA DA SILVA, Otavio Henrique. The (non-)education of peripheral early childhood for citizenship: for decolonial and emancipatory knowledge and actions. 2022. 409 f. Thesis (Doctorate) - Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, 2022.


KRENAK, Ailton. Life is not useful. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2020.


RODRIGUES, L. O. O.; FERREIRA DA SILVA, O. H. Manifesto pela vida, respeito e cuidado ao corpo negro. Perspectivas em Políticas Públicas, Belo Horizonte, vol. 16, n. 31, p. 1-31, jan/jun. 2023.