
  • Andrea Cabello UnB
  • Natália Vieira



Social Organizations, Finance of ST&I, Administrative Reform


The creation of Social Organizations (OSs) in Brazil is linked to a series of structural reforms that occurred in the 1990s. They were mainly adopted in the area of ​​Health in the states and municipalities and, in the Federal Government in Science, Technology and Innovation (CT&I) . In 2022, there are 6 ST&I OSs linked to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). The article analyzes the impact of the adoption of this form of management in the financing of this area, considering the international experience.


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How to Cite

Cabello, A., & Vieira, N. (2022). THE CHOICE FOR THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS MODEL IN THE FINANCING OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION . Perspectives on Public Policies, 15(30), 123–158.


