Concorrência e Saneamento

disputas a partir do novo marco do saneamento




Concorrência, Saneamento, Escola de Harvard, Escola de Chicago, Escola Neo-Brandesiana


This article aims to analyze how competition can be applied to the sanitation context. To achieve this objective, exploratory research is used based on materials already prepared in relation to the topic, especially books and scientific articles. The first section provides a contextualization of the recent history of sanitation in Brazil, covering the period from 2005 to 2020, with reflection on the perceived advances and contradictions. In a second moment, competition and the market mechanism are presented as criteria widespread in Brazil due to neoliberal influence. The relevance assumed by competition with the implementation of the New Sanitation Framework and its expected repercussion on economic efficiency, but mainly on the quality of service provision, is also investigated. The different theoretical aspects related to the objectives of Competition Law and its opening for social purposes, not strictly economic, are presented, especially in the Harvard, Chicago and Neo-Brandesiana schools. Finally, potential obstacles to the inclusion of competition as a priority criterion in the issue of sanitation are indicated, since the very theories that seek to substantiate it and give it extension differ in terms of their ability to achieve public order objectives that are not strictly relate to economic quantities thought of objectively. The consideration of criteria individually in the logic of sanitation stands out as an element of risk that can result in immediate consequences for those who depend on the provision of the service.

Author Biography

Gladson Pereira Américo Filho, UFPA

This article aims to analyze how competition can be applied to the sanitation context. To achieve this objective, exploratory research is used based on materials already prepared in relation to the topic, especially books and scientific articles. The first section provides a contextualization of the recent history of sanitation in Brazil, covering the period from 2005 to 2020, with reflection on the perceived advances and contradictions. In a second moment, competition and the market mechanism are presented as criteria widespread in Brazil due to neoliberal influence. The relevance assumed by competition with the implementation of the New Sanitation Framework and its expected repercussion on economic efficiency, but mainly on the quality of service provision, is also investigated. The different theoretical aspects related to the objectives of Competition Law and its opening for social purposes, not strictly economic, are presented, especially in the Harvard, Chicago and Neo-Brandesiana schools. Finally, potential obstacles to the inclusion of competition as a priority criterion in the issue of sanitation are indicated, since the very theories that seek to substantiate it and give it extension differ in terms of their ability to achieve public order objectives that are not strictly relate to economic quantities thought of objectively. The consideration of criteria individually in the logic of sanitation stands out as an element of risk that can result in immediate consequences for those who depend on the provision of the service.


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How to Cite

Gurjão Sampaio de Cavalcante Rocha, L. A., & Pereira Américo Filho, G. (2023). Concorrência e Saneamento: disputas a partir do novo marco do saneamento. Perspectives on Public Policies, 17(33), 111–131.


