PROMPT-EDU: fine-tuning command script for ChatGPT




ChatGPT, Tecnologias educacionais, Inteligência Artificial, Ensino-aprendizagem, Sistematização


The study shows a sequence of prompts tested to optimize the fine-tuning (FT) of ChatGPT in the contexts of the teaching-learning process. A qualitative descriptive experimental study aligned three profiles of prompts in a sequence called Prompt-EDU Script, which was tested in different versions of ChatGPT, in Brazil and the USA. The application of this Script occurred in the context of the character prompts, in a simulated dialogue between Paulo Freire and Mark Zuckerberg, discussing the perspective of Artificial Intelligence and Education. The results showed that the Prompt-EDU Script was successful in the established analytical markers and demonstrated performance similar to that described in the literature for deep machine learning. The Script was concluded to be reliable for optimizing FT in beginner user accounts, for the specific themes of the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

da Vinha Ricieri, D., Mara Guimarães de Farias, A., Rodrigues de Souza, F., & Vasconcelos Gomes Barreto, R. (2024). PROMPT-EDU: fine-tuning command script for ChatGPT. SCIAS - Educação, Comunicação E Tecnologia, 6(1), 107–138.