Perceptions and academic qualification of civil engineering students about risk and its management


  • Carlos Guilherme Rocha Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais - CEFET-MG
  • Letícia Pereira Gabriel Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG)



Riscos, Engenharia Civil, Percepção


This work analyzes how Civil Engineering senior students at CEFET-MG, campus Varginha, are located, perceive and deal with the dimension of risks in their professional qualification. The purpose is to analyze, in the speech of these academics, the representation of “risk” and concepts that surround it. Based on a constructivist approach, this observation will be made especially about how social and political factors are viewed by academics as pertinent, or not, to risk management. In order to carry out the analysis, we present a brief comment on how the fields of engineering and social sciences have converged in the last decades, leading to the formation of “scindinic sciences” and the institutionalization of proposals for risk management, based on an expanded understanding, which takes risks not just as probabilistic, but that comprises other dimensions, such as social conditions, memory and work relationships. It became evident that the new professionals share a technocratic paradigm of Engineering, which leads to an objectivist and probabilistic approach to risk management and analysis. Thus, ethical aspects, social conditions and the complexity of the human interests involved are obliterated in the professional approach.


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How to Cite

Rocha, C. G., & Gabriel, L. P. . (2021). Perceptions and academic qualification of civil engineering students about risk and its management. Revista Engenharia De Interesse Social, 6(7), 29–50.



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