PUBLIC CALL 7th edition



Center for Study and Research on Knowledge and Education - COED/Faculty of Education/Campus Belo Horizonte/University of Minas Gerais

Selection of Scientific Articles about Art/Education 7th edition of Science Magazine and Electronic SCIAS Art/Education

ISSN: 2318-8537


The Center for Study and Research on Knowledge and Education/ COED FAE/CBH/UEMG invites interested parties to submit proposals for articles to be published on the 7 th edition of Science and e Magazine SCIAS Art/Education, as set out here for public selection.


1. Object

This call aims to select interested parties to submit proposals for articles that attends the requirements of this call for consideration and posterior publication in the 7th edition of the scientific and e Magazine SCIAS Art/Education.


2. Motivation

On a moment that the field of the sensitive enlarges its social bodies, facing huge sceneries of crises, as much as a planetary union, the investigation in arts and the teaching of art keep on being fundamental for the invention of possibilities and the diffusion of know ledge. The artistic field is cause and image of a constant reinvention of ourselves, and of the world. The scias arte-education magazine proposes this edition as an initiative for, even going through so many critical isolations and solitude pandemics, we create alternatives of movement, so we can face situations of symbolic destruction and create actions that stimulate us to ask: Do the art we create and the art we teach reflect in some ways, who we are?

3. Submission Rules


Editorial Line

The magazine SCIAS Art/ Education is a journal aiming to publish articles in the field of Art/Education also from the dialogue with other fields of knowledge. The SCIAS Art/Education is the journal of the Center of Studies and Research on Knowledge and Education FAE/CBH/UEMG, published with the support of the Center of Communication FAE/CBH/UEMG.

Proposals for publication must be original, unpublished in the country and must be classified into broad literature articles on general topics related to art and education. Each author can only have one paper in progress between the beginning of the submission and final publication. An interval of one year between the publication of texts written by the same author and the beginning of a new submission process will be observed.

All figures are released digitally and are available online at the address:


Process of evaluating articles

Articles received will initially be evaluated by the Editorial Board and those which are in accordance with the standards of the journal SCIAS Art/Education will be forwarded to the members of the Scientific Council on the basis of competence in the subject / subject of the article reported, guaranteeing the dual blind process. After the evaluation process, authors are notified. The approved articles are unconditionally sent straight for publication.

If the text is dependent on modifications, the proposed changes are sent to authors, who decide whether to agree to undertake them, according to the suggestions of the counselor, the term to be defined by the publisher. The changes made in the text should be underlined for the purpose of verification by the editor.


Presentation of Work

By submitting the article to the journal, the author undertakes not to forward it to other (s) vehicle (s) of publication for a period of six months from the date of shipment.

Proposals must be submitted via the Internet at the address:


Accepted papers in Portuguese and English. Articles should be submitted in MS Word for Windows, version 6.0 or higher, with an extension (.doc), in Times New Roman font, size 12, sheet of A4 format, with 1.5 line spacing, top, bottom and sides of 2 cm. Articles must have a minimum length of 15 and maximum of 20 pages.

The text should not contain any identification of the author and coauthors. These data, as well as institutional affiliation, education and email are metadata, which must be completed fully and correctly at registration for the continuity of the author of the article submission process.

The summary should have at least 100 and at most 150 words in the same language of work and keywords (a minimum of three and maximum five). After this summary, you must also include the abstract, together with a translation of the title and keywords.

Footnotes should be used only when strictly necessary for some clarification. The text should be succinct, size 10, left aligned single spaced. These notes must be submitted in Arabic numerals, with single and consecutive to any item numbering.



Tables, charts and graphs should be inserted in the text with titles and subtitles in accordance with ABNT. The figures should have their place stated in the text and also be submitted as separate attachments in JPG file format, gray color, 300 dpi. They should be named FIG .1, FIG. 2, in turn, and may also have a suggestive title of their content, always indicating the sources.



Quotes in the text should use the author - date system and following the ABNT norms for this system.

In direct or literal quote, the author's name, outside of parentheses, is only the initial capital letter and, within brackets, all uppercase (author, date, page). To quote three lines, you use quotes, no italics. Quotations over three lines are indented 4 cm from the left margin, smaller font, single spaced, without quotation marks and without italics.

In indirect quotations, only the author's name is inserted in the text, we use a capital letter with the date in parentheses. If the author's name come in brackets, all letters are must be in uppercase, followed by the date, without the need to put the page.


In view of Arendt (1997), that education takes its conservative character is essential that the world does not become mortal as mortals, so that the world will continue and renew every new generation.

That education takes its conservative character is essential that the world does not become mortal as mortals, so that the world will continue and renew every new generation (Arendt, 1997).

* This quote format also applies to the case of statements or interviews.

When quoting a quote, the Latin expression, apud (among), should be used, or the equivalent in Portuguese “cited by”, to identify a secondary source that was actually consulted. The reference of the cited work must come in footnotes or as part of the reference at the end of the text.


In the text:

Um modelo de liderança bastante estudado e utilizado na década de 1960 foi o Grid Gerencial (Blake; MOUTON¹, 1972 apud Ronchi, 2007).


¹ BLAKE, R. R, MOUTON, JS. A estruturação de uma empresa dinâmica através do desenvolvimento organizacional do tipo Grid. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 1972.

Quotes from several documents of the same author and date must be distinguished by adding lower case letters alphabetically ordered after the date. These letters should also be included in the references.

e.g.                                                                 :

Vygotsky (1998a) Vygotsky (1998b) or

(VYGOTSKY, 1998a, p 55). (VYGOTSKY, 1998b, 37).



References should follow the rules of ABNT for this system (NBR 6023). They should be listed at the end of the article, only aligned to the left margin, identifying each document individually in single space, separated from each other by two single spaces.



VASQUEZ, A. S. Filosofia da práxis. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1997.

SAVIANI, D. Pedagogia histórico-crítica: primeiras aproximações. 3. ed. São Paulo: Cortez/Autores Associados, 1992.


Chapters from books

- Chapter and book with the same author:

CANDAU, V. M. Cotidiano escolar e cultura(s): encontros e desencontros. In: ____. (Org.). Reinventar a escola. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2000. p. 61-78.

- Chapter and book with different authors:

EVANGELISTA, O. A formação universitária do professor: o debate dos anos 1920 e a experiência paulista dos anos 1930. In: MORAES, M. C. M. de (Org.). Iluminismo às avessas: produção de conhecimento e políticas de informação docente. Rio de Janeiro: DP&A, 2003.

- Author entity

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6023 - Informação e documentação: referências: elaboração. Rio de Janeiro, 2002. 24p.

CONSELHO NACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO. Conselho Pleno. Resolução CNE/CP n. 1. De 15 de maio de 2006. Institui diretrizes curriculares nacionais para o curso de graduação em pedagogia. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 10 jul. 2010.

- More than one author (separated by semi-colons)

BERGÉ, P.; POMEAU, Y; DUBOIS-GANCE, M. Dos ritmos ao caos. São Paulo: Editora Unesp, 1996.

- More than three authors

GAUTHIER, C. et al. Por uma teoria da pedagogia: pesquisas contemporâneas sobre saber docente. Tradução de Francisco Pereira. Ijuí: Ed Unijuí, 1998.

- Series and collections

MIGLIORI, R. Paradigmas e educação. São Paulo: Aquariana, 1993. 20 p. (Visão do futuro, v. 1)

- Electronic Book

ROSÁRIO, A. B.; KYRILLOS NETO, F.; MOREIRA, J. DE O. (Orgs.). Faces da violência na contemporaneidade: sociedade e clínica. Barbacena: EdUEMG, 2011. Available at:

<>. Access: 2 out. 2011


Periodical article

SAVIANI. D. O espaço acadêmico da pedagogia no Brasil: perspectivas históricas. Paideia - Cadernos de Psicologia em Educação, São Paulo, v. 14, n. 28, p. 113-124, maio/ago. 2004.

Theses, dissertations and monographs

ALMEIDA, L. C. Curso de pedagogia na Unicamp: marcas de formação. 2008. 199 f. Dissertação (mestrado em Educação) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2008.


Papers presented in conferences

FRANCO, M. A. S. Saberes pedagógicos e prática docente. In: ENDIPE: EDUCAÇÃO FORMAL E NÃO FORMAL. PROCESSOS FORMATIVOS E SABERES PEDAGÓGICOS, 13., 2006, Recife. Anais... Recife: Edições Bagaço, 2006. v. 1, p. 27-50.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with respect to all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to authors.

1. The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication elsewhere, otherwise shall be justified in “comments to the editor."

2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.

3. URLs for the references have been provided where possible.

4. The text is single-spaced, using a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); figures and tables are placed within the text, not at the end of the document as attachments.

5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, the About the Journal page.

6. In case of submission to a section with peer review (e.g. articles), the instructions available at “assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega” were followed.




The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.


04. Schedule



Submitting articles to SCIAS Art/Education

may 23th to june 12th, 2020

Review of Articles by body

Consultants of the Editorial Board

june 13th to june 25th, 2020

Notification of accepted papers and contact with authors

june 26th to june 27th, 2020

Typesetting, editorial revision and final publication of the paper accepted

june 28th to june 30th, 2020



05. Results of the analysis of the Editorial Board

A list of selected articles will be published on the website of the UNIVERSIDADE DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS, available at

There will not be any kind of reward or remuneration for authors to have their works selected


06. Clarification and additional information

Clarifications and additional information about the contents of this Call may be obtained through the e-mail address, phone 55 (31) 3239-5918, referring to the Scias ART JOURNAL / EDUCATION.

07. Cancellation or revocation of the Public Call

At any time, this Public Call may be revoked or canceled in whole or in part , at the discretion of COED/FAE/CBH/UEMG , without incurring any compensation or claim of any nature . The COED/FAE/CBH/UEMG may cancel this public event in case the Editorial Board does not respond within 30 days from the submission of proposals for consideration.


Belo Horizonte, may/2020

