Perspectivas de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento integral na Educação Infantil.



Educação Infantil. Música. Ensino e aprendizado. Interdisciplinaridade


This article reflects on the insertion of music in the daily life of early childhood education and the teacher's role in this regard. To do so, we initially addressed some issues related to pedagogical actions using music that contributes to sensory, motor, affective, cognitive and social development. It is justified by the need to channel in the child the taste for music, making them an autonomous, reflective, affective and creative being, through the learning of interdisciplinary practices. From this perspective, currently, music, although extremely accessible through the diffusion of the internet, ends up having limited space to a few events at school, limiting the possibilities of its use in teaching. It seeks to explain the importance of musicalization in early childhood education, through bibliographical references that discuss the positive aspects of music in the teaching versus learning process. Through this project, it is understood that, in order to promote the integral development of the child, it is extremely important to create opportunities for creative experiments, which, in a playful way, lead children to a critical, reflective and autonomous posture.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, L. P., dos A. Silva, R., & de Paula Rossoni, E. M. . (2021). MUSICALIZAÇÃO NA ESCOLA:: Perspectivas de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento integral na Educação Infantil. SCIAS - Arte Educação, 9(1), 76–92. Retrieved from