
  • Caio Nascimento Senac-SP e UERJ


theater pedagogy, theater teaching, art education


This work intends to discuss the objectives of theater and the role of the art/theater teacher in Basic Education, from a historical analysis of art in educational policies. Considering the premises stated in some basic education documents, the article aims to reflect on theater in the context of Basic Education and the feasibility of some guidelines for educational policies in Brazil, especially with regard to the performing arts. Furthermore, the historical obstacles that hinder the implementation of art education based on the integral formation of students will be discussed. It is hypothesized that art still has the stigma of a superfluous curricular component and, therefore, occupies an inferior place in education. Nevertheless, an action based on the teacher's commitment to educational policies and on dialogue with the various social actors in the school environment can foster some changes in this perspective surrounded by prejudices about theatrical pedagogy.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, C. (2021). THE HISTORICAL IMBRICATIONS BETWEEN THEATER AND SCHOOL CURRICULUM. SCIAS - Arte Educação, 9(1), 93–108. Retrieved from