The art and the cultural representations


  • Thiago Borges UFMG



art, culture, representations.


What relationships can we find or establish between art and culture? Philosophical reflection can contribute to the understanding of this relationship? The aim of this essay is to discuss some points about the arts as cultural representations. For this purpose, I revisit notions of culture and demarcate the complexity or plurality of meanings for art, but with the intetion fo bringing it closer to the term culture. Still, I observe aesthetically, what can be thought about art  in the contexto of cultural representations. Some elements by Theodor Adorno’s theory and Arthur Danto’s theory will be used to think philosophically art and culture.  The main exemple, nonetheless, will be the Afro-descendant arts.

Author Biography

Thiago Borges, UFMG

Doutor em Filosofia com Pós-Doutorado em Psicologia pela UFMG.


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How to Cite

Borges, T. (2023). The art and the cultural representations. SCIAS - Arte Educação, 13(1), 97–110.