The The prevalence of Burnout in professors in the context of remote classes during COVID-19 pandemic




Burnout is a state of professional exhaustion, related to a high level of persistent stress caused by work demands. This state generates psychological discomfort and suffering, and can affect any professional category. This study investigates the prevalence of Burnout in professors in the context of remote classes during COVID-19 pandemic. 180 professors from public, private and military schools in the Federal District participated in the research. An online instrument was used, composed by 37 items in a five-point Likert scale, measuring the intensity of Burnout symptoms among professors. Higher scores were found in the exhaustion factor and lower scores were found in the professional achievement factor. It is concluded that Burnout indicators are present among the surveyed professors, suggesting the need for attention to mental health care of these professionals, especially during remote education.

Author Biographies

Adriana Lima Ramos Rocha, Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal

Graduanda em psicologia, no Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal

Felipe Calixto Sousa Silva, Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal

Psicólogo graduado pelo Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal



How to Cite

Adriana Lima Ramos Rocha, Neto, I., & Calixto Sousa Silva, F. (2022). The The prevalence of Burnout in professors in the context of remote classes during COVID-19 pandemic. SCIAS - Educação, Comunicação E Tecnologia, 4(1), 109–126.