Teaching during and post-pandemic in Brazil: accounts of my experience in higher education.





This opinion article is intended to draw an overview of remote education during the pandemic through personal experience in a remote classroom from March/2020 to the present date and from testimonies collected from students during this period. Analyzing the data, it can be seen that four groups of students are visualized, among which three adapted to remote teaching, preferring it over classroom training, and only one group needed the classroom. Among the positive points of remote education are the reduction of expenses with transport, food, in addition to the quality of life related to the absence of transit time and proximity to the family. Thus, this teaching model proves to be viable in the current reality, having to remain present even in the post-pandemic world.

Author Biography

Maria Maria Martins Silva Stancati, Universidade Estácio de Sá

Doutora e Mestre em Direito Público e Evolução Social (UNESA 2014-2020), Especialização em Direito Civil, Processo Civil e Empresarial (UVA 2009), Graduação em Direito (UNESA 2007). Professora de Direito Civil e Processo Civil da UNESA - Campus Alcântara e Niterói na Graduação e pós-Graduação Lato Sensu. Professora de Direito Notarial e Registral em cursos preparatórios para ingresso na carreira de Notário e Registrador. Bolsista de Pesquisa Produtividade - UNESA (2018-2020). Ex-Bolsista Prosup-Capes.




How to Cite

Maria Martins Silva Stancati, M. (2023). Teaching during and post-pandemic in Brazil: accounts of my experience in higher education. SCIAS - Educação, Comunicação E Tecnologia, 4(2), 3–14. https://doi.org/10.36704/sciaseducomtec.v4i2.6195