English Literary literacy in the pandemic

challenges and possibilities for portuguese language classes


  • Lucas Medeiros Universidade Federal do Pampa




This report aims to record and reflect on the teaching practices carried out during the year 2020, under the Pedagogical Residency Program (PRP), developed remotely due to the pandemic context, challenges and teaching possibilities found in the work with literature and genre textual by the remote environment. To this end, the report talks about the teaching-learning processes and about literary and digital reading and how they had to adapt to the remote mode and teaching methodologies used. Linked to this will be addressed the fundamental role of PRP in the training of teachers even more important at this time.



How to Cite

Medeiros, L. (2023). English Literary literacy in the pandemic: challenges and possibilities for portuguese language classes. SCIAS - Educação, Comunicação E Tecnologia, 4(2), 36–49. https://doi.org/10.36704/sciaseducomtec.v4i2.7205