O poema e a construção do leitor-literário no livro didático do 4º ano do Ensino Fundamental I
Poems, Literature, Teaching, Basic EducationAbstract
This article presents reflections on the work with literature in elementary school, focusing on the use of poems. To do so, it shows the results and discussions about a research that sought to analyze whether there is the use of poems in a textbook directed to the 4th year of elementary school, updated according to the Common National Curricular Base (BNCC). If the answer is positive, we seek to verify how the genre is worked, for which purposes it is portrayed, and whether it helps in the perception of the subject about himself and about the world in which he needs to participate actively. We also sought to understand whether the material encourages the construction of the reader-literary in the case of poetry in the corresponding year. It was found that despite the changes that have marked the last decades on the conceptions related to the role and importance of literature, poems have a shy space in the teaching material, with occasional functions, since it is not part of the mandatory content worked in the 4th grade.
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