About the Journal

Focus and scope

Revista Interdisciplinar Sulear is a scientific journal with an interdisciplinary approach, which aims to publish articles that dialogue with interdisciplinarity, with liberating education and with decolonial thinking and South-South relations.

Peer Review Policy

The evaluation policy of Revista Interdisciplinar Sulear is a double-blind peer review. In this process, the reviewers do not have any information about the identity of the authors, just as the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. We adopted this policy to ensure the suitability of the evaluation process of articles submitted to the journal.

The partnerships that analyze the submissions are Brazilian and foreign researchers, with a doctorate or who are in the process of doing a doctorate, with experience in publishing in indexed journals.

The lists with the names of the referees for each year are published after the publication of the last issue of the current year.

At the time of sending to the reviewers, the names of the authors will be deleted from the digital files. In addition, it is verified that the body of the text does not contain information that identifies the authors, such as the name and affiliation of the authors, where the empirical research was carried out, references to the authors themselves and acknowledgments.

After being submitted to the journal, the works undergo an initial evaluation before being sent to the referees. In this evaluation, an anti-plagiarism analysis is first performed using plagiarism detection software. If any problem is identified, the generated report is sent to the authors and the submission is rejected. If no plagiarism problem is detected, compliance with the guidelines for authors is verified, as well as verification of the pertinence of the text to the editorial line and scope of the Journal. If a problem is identified in this process, the authors are notified and instructed to correct them and make a new submission.

Only after this stage, the manuscript is sent to reviewers, from institutions different from the authors, but that have affinity with the theme addressed. For the evaluation process, the referees will be guided by a questionnaire that will help them in the elaboration of the opinion.




Free Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed filing system among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration. Know more...


journal history

This magazine arises from the desire of the teaching group at the Ibirité unit to contribute to the dissemination of research that seeks interdisciplinarity as a relevant path for education.

The interdisciplinary approach allows for a relationship between disciplinary contents, providing a wide interweaving of an investigated theme. And for having this engagement with a liberating education proposal, it was baptized with a term created by the Brazilian physicist Marcio D'Olne Campos, who published it for the first time in 1991, in the text “A Arte de sulear-se”, and which from then on hence it became widely used by the patron of Brazilian education, educator Paulo Freire.

In this spirit of opposing a predetermined Eurocentric model of education, the Revista Interdisciplinar Sulear arrives on the academic scene.

All articles that dialogue with interdisciplinarity, with liberating education and with decolonial thinking and with South-South relations will be well received.

ISSN 2595-8569


Prof. Dr. Eliane Ferreira de Sa

Prof. Dr. Walesson Gomes da Silva

Indexadores e buscadores