Redução da Maioridade Penal , Sistema Prisional, Segurança Pública, Decolonialidade.Abstract
With the purpose of considering and criticizing, from the point of view of decolonial thinking, some circumstances that created in Brazil the environment for discussions around the Reduction of the Age of Penalty, we will try to observe the socioeconomic and racial or ethnic profile of young people who are serving measured in the Socio-Educational System. Our aim is to broaden the understanding of the historical roots that lead the country to adopt a punitive stance regarding the application of law to the detriment of the Federal Constitution and also to show the impacts that this reduction would have on Brazilian society, especially the less favored ones.
This article addresses the reduction of the age of criminal responsibility and its implications for the public security system. We seek to explore the Child and Adolescent Statute (ECA), the characteristics of the conventional prison system and the socio-educational system, as well as the consequences that the possible changes in our Federal Constitution would bring to the chargeability of those under eighteen years of age.
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