Um modelo para se entender a evolução da resistência a inseticidas: a espécie bioinvasora Zaprionus indianus


  • Sávio Cunha Costa Universidade de São Paulo
  • Jonathan de Oliveira Rios UNESP
  • Luís Gustavo da Conceição Galego Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro


bioinvasão, evolução de espécies invasoras, mosca-do-figo, resistência


The insecticide use as a strategy for pest management has increased exponentially in recent years, which can cause incalculable deleterious effects on human and environmental health. In addition, insecticides act as selective agents of resistant insects, which interferes with the population evolution of these organisms, in addition to potentiating the action of agricultural pests. The genetic mechanisms of resistance evolution include those related to detoxification and metabolization of these agents, as is the case of those related to esterase enzymes. These enzymes are part of several biological processes, which include those related to reproductive biology, nerve impulse transmission, and food digestion. The evolution of insecticide resistance mechanisms related to esterases has already been described for Zaprionus indianus, which was introduced in Brazil in the late 1990s and was an important pest of the fig culture and is still considered a species that offers risks to cultivars of various commercial fruits.


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How to Cite

Cunha Costa, S., de Oliveira Rios, J., & da Conceição Galego, L. G. (2024). Um modelo para se entender a evolução da resistência a inseticidas: a espécie bioinvasora Zaprionus indianus . SAPIENS - Revista De divulgação Científica, 5(2), 202–214. Retrieved from