Socio-environmental conflicts in the Territory of the Extreme South of Bahia and the Egídio Brunetto Popular School of Agroecology and Agroforestry: popular struggle and liberating pedagogical strategies in the construction of agroecology.
Agroecology; territory, popular education.Abstract
The popular struggle and liberating pedagogical strategic chapter of the Escola Popular Agroecologia e Agrofloresta Egídio Brunetto (EPAAEB) seeks an analysis of the socio-environmental conflicts in the Extreme South of Bahia, and how the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), laid the foundations for the configuration of a massive movement for the construction of agroecology. The chapter rescues some of the educational actions developed by EPAAEB, which resulted in several activities to reverse the current situation of destruction of the Atlantic Forest biome, seeking to break the historical and persistent dichotomy between social development and environmental preservation. We identified the potential of pedagogical tools whose results point to new possibilities for popular construction of agroecology and for elaboration of parameters to formulate public policies in the field of sustainable rural development.
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