
  • Daniel Daré Luziano da Silva Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR
  • Daniel Henrique Nardini Zitelli Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR
  • Tiago Eurico de Lacerda Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná


Augustine of Hippo, Engineering, Ethics in Engineering, Good and Evil, Free Will.


This paper discusses ethics in engineering through the lens of Augustine of Hippo's philosophy, with a special focus on the concept of good, freedom, and evil. The analysis is mainly based on Augustine's reflections on free will and its moral consequence, highlighting how choosing lesser goods can lead to evil. This work provides a study on the influence of the incessant pursuit of the Supreme Good on the engineer's conduct and suggests that the primary professional objective should be the common good. By examining the three possible sources of "bad engineering" - attachment to self, attachment to science, and attachment to material goods - it is argued that only submission to reason and the pursuit of truth can lead the profession to maintain its role as guardian of society and the common good. The paper concludes that engineering, like any profession, can be corrupted when it deviates from the pursuit of the supreme good, just as Augustine understood evil as a departure from good. This study offers a new perspective on the role of the engineer and the importance of ethics in engineering, using Augustinian philosophy as a foundation to understand the social and political implications of this profession beyond technology.


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How to Cite

Daré Luziano da Silva, D., Henrique Nardini Zitelli, D., & Eurico de Lacerda, T. (2024). THE INFLUENCE OF AUGUSTINIAN PHILOSOPHY ON THE PERCEPTION OF GOOD, FREEDOM, AND ETHICS IN ENGINEERING. SAPIENS - Revista De divulgação Científica, 5(2), 166–187. Retrieved from