About the Journal


The Educação em Foco Journal is a scientific journal that aims to socialize results and contributions of researches and scientific studies on burning issues in the educational field nowadays and in other historical moments. It deems Brazilian educational issues and those in other parts of the world as complex, multifaceted issues, which require approaches and contributions from several fields of knowledge of the human sciences.

The mission of the journal is to publish academic-scientific studies that contribute to the advancement of research and reflections in the field of Education.

Its target public is students, Elementary and Higher Education teachers, Education researchers, and others interested in the discussions and dissemination of scientific production on themes of the Education area within the national and international contexts.


The Educação em Foco journal was created in 1995 by the Faculty of Education of the State University of Minas Gerais (FaE/UEMG) as an annual scientific journal, edited with the support of the Communication Center (CenC) of FaE/UEMG. From 2008 to 2015, the publications became biannual.

In 2011, the journal became the responsibility of the Graduate Program in Education and Human Formation (PPGE) of FaE/UEMG, continuing with the support of the CenC for its edition.

In 2016, due to the large number of article submissions by Brazilian researchers from different regions of the country and a certain number of foreign authors, it started to be a four-monthly publication.

From v. 19 no. 29 (2016) onwards, it became an electronic publication, thus becoming e-ISSN 2317-0093.


Educação em Foco has a four-monthly periodicity, publishing, annually, three issues, corresponding to the months of:

  • January/February/March/April
  • May/June/July/August
  • September/October/November/December


This journal offers free and immediate access to all of its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. For this, it uses the principles and application of open source software Open Journal Systems (OJS) in the management and publication of this scientific journal. Learn more at - https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/.


Educação em Foco does not charge authors any type of submission, processing or publication fees.


This journal uses the LOCKSS open source system for digital preservation and distribution among participating libraries and allows them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration. Learn more...


Qualis Classification (new) - 2019 - Stratum: A4              
Four-year Classification - 2013-2016

  • Arts - B3
  • Education - C
  • Teaching - B2
  • Linguistics and Literature - B4
  • Sociology - B4

Educação em Foco is a member of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors.

Member of the Southeast Forum of Journal Editors from the Education Area (FEPAE-SUDESTE)  - https://anped.org.br/fepae.