The Debate on Agroecology in the MST

the production practices in the field and the relationship socio-environmental.


  • Elizete Oliveira de Andrade UEMG/CARANGOLA
  • Custódio Jovêncio Barbosa Filho



Experiences in the field; Agroecology; Socio-environmental space


We present in this article part of the results of the research "Countryside education and agroecology: interfaces between scientific knowledge and popular knowledge" linked to PAPq/UEMG Edict 2018/2019, which focused on the performance of workers on Olga Benário Settlement in the production process under the logic of agroecology. The main objective was to understand and analyze this action under the aegis of agroecology. For the production of the data, it was sought through the conversation wheels based on the perspective of the methodology “Círculo de Cultura” proposed by Freire (1979), to describe and analyze the experiences of food production in the field and its relations between ecology and environmental issues. As a result, it is evident that although the discussions and actions on agroecology is still in gestation in this settlement, there is a recognition that the more there is the protection of mother earth, the more she will repay with social and environmental gains.


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How to Cite

Oliveira de Andrade, E., & Jovêncio Barbosa Filho, C. (2023). The Debate on Agroecology in the MST: the production practices in the field and the relationship socio-environmental. SAPIENS - Revista De divulgação Científica, 4(2), 55–70.