"I no longer want to think except with my body"

practices for grounding and cultivating presence(s)





Body, Group, Online environment, Pandemic, Presence


Abstract: Faced with the suspension of face-to-face activities during the Covid-19 pandemic period, we were forced to continue and sustain bonds with the people we were accompanying in our teaching-research-intervention activities, as well as caring for them. The text starts from three experiences that have in common the challenge of continuing to act through the use of technologies: a body workshop with people with visual impairment, a course on groups and collective practices, and another that carries out care actions with body and artistic practices with women. The goal here is to present what was problematized and invented in the search for producing presence, body, and groupality in the formative process. We carried out a cartographic research mapping the regimes of affectability and following their effects. The immersion in this immense online universe was configured as a way to let oneself be mobilized by the unexpected event of the pandemic and by the possibilities of detecting what could be created, experienced and learned in this process.


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Author Biographies

Flavia Liberman, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, campus Baixada Santista

PPhD in Clinical Psychology (PUC-SP) and Post-Doctorate at the University of Évora- Portugal (CHAIA/UE) Associate Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo and in the Postgraduate Programs Teaching in Health Sciences (Professional Modality) and at the Interdisciplinary Program in Health Sciences - Campus Baixada Santista. Member of the Body and Art Laboratory at UNIFESP. His research involves the body, the arts, occupational therapy, groups, training, territories and their interfaces. Author of the books : Dances in Occupational Therapy; Delicate choreographies: snapshots of occupational therapy; Organizer of the Book :Groups and Occupational Therapy by Summus Editorial.

Adriana Rodrigues Domingues, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, campus Baixada Santista

PhD in Social Psychology from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of São Paulo - Baixada Santista campus. I have prioritized my professional performance at the interface between collective health, institutional analysis and community psychology, developing research and intervention projects aimed at institutions that work in the fields of mental health, collective health and social assistance.

Laura Pozzana de Barros , Núcleo de Pesquisa Cognição e Coletivos ( NUCC) do Departamento de Pós- Graduação da UFRJ

Post-Doctorate and Doctorate in Psychology from UFRJ, in the Cognition and Subjectivity research line, with research in the field of visual impairment and the creation of accessibility. Master in Psychology from UFF, in the area of concentration: Subjectivity and Clinic. Graduated in Psychology from UFRJ and trained as an instructor at the Rio Abierto/Argentina System – school for the integral development of being.
Author of the books Corpo e Cegueira (CRV, 2017); Stories of Blindness, in partnership with Virgínia Kastrup (CRV, 2016); The Body in Connection (Eduff, 2008) and other texts. She works as a clinical psychologist and with group workshops, at the interface between body and art.



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How to Cite

Liberman, F., Rodrigues Domingues, A., & Pozzana de Barros , L. (2022). "I no longer want to think except with my body": practices for grounding and cultivating presence(s). Educação Em Foco, 25(47). https://doi.org/10.36704/eef.v25i47.6891



Dossiê - No enquanto da pandemia: grupalidade, cuidado e invenções na formação universitária.