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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original, inédita e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, foi justificado em “Comentários ao editor”.

  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Wordversão 6.0 ou superior, com extensão (.doc)”)

  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e os requisitos bibliográficos descritos em “Diretrizes para Autores”, no Menu “Submissões”.

  • Foi realizado o preenchimento de todos os metadados solicitados, incluindo resumo da biografia de TODOS os autores e informado o link para o currículo lattes no campo URL.

  • Autor e coautor do artigo foram devidamente informados durante a submissão. Não é permitida a inclusão de coautores após a finalização da submissão.
  • A identidade dos autores e/ou seus respectivos grupos de pesquisa não foram informados, visando garantir a avaliação cega por pares.
  • Autor e coautor assumem, igualmente, inteira responsabilidade pelo conteúdo veiculado.

Author Guidelines

The Educação em Foco journal publishes original articles that result from research experience, review articles, experience reports, essays, reviews, and interviews that address issues related to the educational field in its different levels and modes of teaching.

The work must be original, not having been published elsewhere.

The article may have a maximum of 3 (three) authors, at least one with a doctoral degree.

It must also be classified in one of the following modalities:

a) Original scientific articles resulting from research or literature reviews: text based on results of empirical research or diverse documentary and bibliographic sources, with declared authorship, that presents and discusses themes, problems, methods, techniques, processes and results in the field of Education; or publication that summarizes, analyzes and discusses information already published on themes or objects in the field of education. Articles should be between 6,000 and 11,000 words (excluding titles, abstracts, and keywords), following the format indicated by the Template.

b) Experience report: text of critical reflection, of individual or collective authorship, which aims to describe, analyze and interpret relevant experiences of educational practices developed in different contexts. Besides the factual description, the experience report must have the potential to bring out new problematizations and theoretical and/or practical approaches, allowing the expansion of dialogues in the field of Education. Format and Template (same as the article). The experience report must be between 6,000 and 11,000 words.

c) Critical review: concise, well-organized communication with the potential to arouse interest in the work and the debate in the educational field. It can be a review of national or foreign works on Education, published less than three years ago. The text should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words (excluding title and keywords); three to five keywords, presented in alphabetical order, initial capital letters, separated by periods and ending with a period, following the formatting indicated by the Template.

The title of the review should be different from the book reviewed. The text of the critical review should present the complete reference of the work (title, author, publisher, city, year, number of pages, ISBN); a general description or summary of its content in order to help the reader understand the context; a dialogue and critical positioning of the reviewer about the author's ideas, keeping it trustful to the ideas presented. The text must present a balance between informing, analyzing, and giving an opinion about the work. An image of the cover of the reviewed work must be sent in a separate file, in jpg or .tiff format, 300 dpi resolution. Any citations and references must follow the general rules of the journal, as informed in these Guidelines.

d) Interview: carried out with national or foreign researchers who deal with burning issues in the educational field and who bring an unequivocal contribution to the understanding and debate about Education. The interview must be between 3,000 and 5,000 words (excluding titles, abstracts, and keywords) and cannot have been published elsewhere. Template.

The text must contain an introduction introducing the interviewee, as well as a justification of the relevance of the topic to the field of Education. The interview must include five to ten questions and adopt language appropriate to the journal’s parameters. At the end of the text, please provide a short résumé of the interviewer(s), containing up to 50 words each. In order to be evaluated, the proposal should be forwarded to the journal's Editors who will evaluate it

General rules for articles                                                                                                          

Detailed guidelines on article formatting, citations and references can be found in the TEMPLATE made available by the Journal.


The abstract must be written in Portuguese, English and Spanish (resumo, abstract, resumen), written in a single paragraph, without indentation, with 1.0 cm spacing, font Times New Roman, size 11. As for the content, it must follow the formal structure of the text, that is, explain the theme, indicate objective, methodology / basic procedures, results of the research or study and conclusions. Acronyms should not be used in the abstract.

The abstract, in the three languages, should have a minimum of 100 words and a maximum of 150 words; from three to five keywords, presented in alphabetical order, initial letter capitalized, separated by a period and ending with a period.

The keywords must be different from the terms used in the title and chosen from the controlled vocabulary of the Brazilian Thesaurus of Education - Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP).

The manuscript should not contain any authorship identification, thus maintaining the confidentiality of the evaluation of the submitted work. These data, as well as institutional affiliation, education (highest degree), ORCID number and email, make up the metadata, which must be correctly filled out at the time of the author's registration in order to continue the submission process. It is essential to fill in the metadata of all authors. Important: the order of authors, inserted in the metadata, will be the authorship order adopted by the journal in the publication.

Sections of the article

The text of the manuscript must contain the following sections: introduction, discussion and conclusions.

Information about sources of funding for the research, if any, about partner institutions, or other acknowledgements should be inserted in a footnote of the submitted manuscript.The insertion should be made only after the proof.


Tables, charts, graphs and images (photos, drawings and maps) should be sent in a separate file with all margins at 2cm. They must be numbered in Arabic numerals, according to the sequence in which they appear, always referred to in the body of the text and headed by their respective title (centered in bold). Tables and charts must contain the text in size 10.

Immediately below the tables, charts, graphs and images, there must be their respective sources, even if the author wrote them himself.

Maps must present graphic scales and captions. Titles and captions must comply with the ABNT technical norms - NBR 14724.

Images must have their place indicated in the text and, also, must be sent in a separate file, in JPG file format, gray color, 300 dpi or word file, following the determined margin and font size. They must be named Image 1, Image 2, successively, accompanied by a title and always with the indication of the sources.

Ex: Image 1/Table 1 - accompanied by the title of the image/table

References and citations - follow detailed indications in the Template.

References must comply with the ABNT technical norms - NBR 6023. They must be listed at the end of the article, with justified text alignment, single-spaced, font size 12; alphabetically ordered and not numbered, and with single space between each reference. All publications cited throughout the text must be identified individually.

Citations must be adopted in the text and must be presented according to ABNT-NBR 10520. As general rules, the calls by the author's last name, by the institution, responsible or title included in the sentence should be in capital and lowercase, and, when in parentheses, they should be in capital letters.

The direct quotations, of up to three lines, are presented in the body of the text, contained between double quotation marks; the direct quotations, of more than three lines, must be highlighted with an indentation of 4 cm from the left margin, in smaller print than the body and without the quotation marks, with indication of source.

Explanatory notes

Footnotes should be used only when clarification is strictly necessary. If it is the case, the text of the note must be short and direct and formatted according to the Template provided. They should be presented in Arabic numbers, with unique and consecutive numbering throughout the article.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.