Online intervention with teachers in preventing and coping with bullying: feasibility study

estudo de viabilidade




Bullying, Intervention, Teacher


In Brazil, studies on the topic have increased in the last decade, but few are directed at preparing the teacher for preventing and coping with bullying. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of an online intervention with teachers in the prevention and confrontation of school bullying, with six weekly group sessions, multicomponent format and experiential methodology with the themes: concepts of bullying, conflict management, empathy, assertive communication, emotional self-control and self-care. Twelve teachers (11 female and 01 male) from public schools in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, aged between 39 and 62 years, participated in the study. It is a feasibility study, with process evaluation and post-intervention evaluation The results demonstrate the importance of interventions for teachers on the topic of bullying that promote awareness of the need for prevention and the establishment of positive relationships in the school environment.


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Author Biographies

Helen Bedinoto Durgante, FURG

Psychologist, Master in Development and Rights from Goldsmiths University of London, United Kingdom, PhD and post-doctorate in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), professor and researcher at the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG), Campus Carreiros , Av. Itália, s/n - km 8 - Carreiros, Rio Grande, RS, Brazil, e-mail:

Débora Dalbosco Dell'Aglio, UNILASALLE

Psychologist, Master and PhD in Developmental Psychology (UFRGS), Brazil, A1 PPG researcher professor in UniLasalle/Canoas Education and PPG Psicologia collaborator UFRGS, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2600, room 115, Sta Cecília, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil and e-mail:


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How to Cite

Rocha, C. S., Bedinoto Durgante, H., & Dalbosco Dell’Aglio, D. . (2022). Online intervention with teachers in preventing and coping with bullying: feasibility study: estudo de viabilidade. Educação Em Foco, 25(45), 420–443.