Guidelines for the publication of thematic Dossiers

Educação em Foco intends, by publishing thematic dossiers, to bring together researchers from different Education Graduate Programs in the country who, in interaction with national and/or international researchers, carry out investigations that present clear connections with themes, objects, and problems in the field of Brazilian Education.

The journal adopts two formats of thematic dossiers:

1) Format 1: Dossier proposed and organized by the Editorial Team.

2) Format 2: A dossier proposed by the scientific community

Together with the dossier, the Journal may publish free thematic articles in accordance with its Editorial Line.

Each thematic dossier, aiming at the fulfillment of the Journal's policy, should follow the following general guidelines:

  • Proposals should be forwarded for evaluation to the Editorial Office of Educação em Foco revista.educacaoemfoco@uemg.brbeing solely responsible for the decisions on the subject.
  • Present from eight to fifteen articles, excluding the other sections that ordinarily compose the journal.
  • The articles must be regionally diverse and result from research on the theme in question, with at least one of the articles being written by a foreign researcher;
  • Articles by authors whose institutional affiliation is UEMG cannot exceed 20% of the total number of approved articles;
  • The articles must be closely related to the theme of the dossier in order to contribute to the deepening of the theme, either by the diversity of theoretical-methodological approach, or by the diversity of time and spatial scale in which the theme was studied;
  • All articles must be written according to the Authors' Guidelines, available on the Journal's website; obeying, as well, the minimum and maximum number of words;
  • Articles will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Articles in a foreign language must be duly reviewed by a specialist in the language, proven by means of a declaration signed by the reviewer and submitted as a supplementary document;
  • Articles approved and appropriate to the Editorial Line of the Journal, but which cannot be part of the dossier, due to the regionality criterion, may be part of the free articles section, in future issues, at the discretion of the editors and the interest of the authors.
  • The organizer may submit an article to compose the proposed dossier. In this case, they will not be able to manage the evaluation process of their article, and the responsible Editor will be in charge of forwarding the procedure.
  • In format 2, the organizers will be guided and accompanied by an Editor of the journal.
  • In addition to complying with the general guidelines, proposals should adhere to the guidelines for each format.

Format 1: Dossier with a theme proposed by the Editorial Team.

In this format, all decisions related to the dossier are made by the Editorial Team, such as defining the theme, following up and carrying out the editorial procedures, and publication. At the discretion of the Editorial Board, researchers may be invited to participate in the organization of the dossier.

The journal prepares and makes the call, opening the submission process to the academic community. Interested authors must submit their manuscripts, exclusively, through the System, and follow the result of the evaluation process of the articles.

Format 2: Dossier proposed by the scientific community

Two types of proposals are accepted:

a) Thematic proposal and dossier organized by researchers in the area.

The initial proposal of the dossier must contain a title, an abstract, and a justification of the scientific pertinence and/or social importance of the theme to the Brazilian reality; it must be organized by three researchers linked to different institutions located nationally and/or internationally, and one of them must be of Brazilian nationality.

The organizers of the dossier will act as guest editors and will be responsible for:

  • Drafting the call for papers, in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, for dissemination on the journal's website, after approval by the Editorial Board.
  • Performing the preliminary evaluation - (desk review) and forwarding the articles for peer review (double blind peer review) according to Educação em Foco's policy.
  • Issuing the final editorial decision of the articles, based on the ad hoc reviewers' opinions, to be sent to the authors by the Journal Editor.
  • Writing the text for presenting the dossier.
  • Follow the revision and layout process and give the final approval for publication.

b) Complete proposal, containing the theme and the abstracts of the articles of the authors invited to compose the dossier.

In this case, the proposal should be accompanied by a presentation, with justification of the relevance of the theme, and the abstracts of the articles that will compose the dossier, as well as a short résumé of each of the authors and proponents.

If the dossier proposal is approved, each of the articles will go through the regular evaluation process and may or may not be indicated for publication.

The organizers will be responsible for writing the presentation text of the dossier.