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  • Larissa de Freitas Marques Evangelista Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sao Paulo (IFSP) - São João da Boa Vista
  • Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço Rodrigues Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sao Paulo (IFSP) - São João da Boa Vista



Integrative Education, Cognition, Rhetorics, Art Education, Multimodality


The purpose of integrative education in the contemporaneity is to promote the development of multimodal literacy for the understanding of language as a complex system. Based on this, this article proposes a cognitive and rhetorical analysis, through the optics of art education, as sociocultural tool for human development for instruction intentions. In order to demonstrate that, the video clip College Boy was analyzed as a simulacrum of the human passions and multimodal attractors of language to indicate the relation between the presented conceptual hypotheses. The results impact in a discussion of a sensory-motor educational formation, in addition to contribute to the research fields of linguistic and artistic sciences, amongst others.


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Author Biographies

Larissa de Freitas Marques Evangelista, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sao Paulo (IFSP) - São João da Boa Vista

Graduated in Cultural Production at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), post-graduated in Humanities at the Federal Institute of São Paulo (IFSP) and a graduate student in Pedagogy at the State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG). Has qualifications in Audiovisual and Education (UFSCar), Art Processes in Education (Funarte), Cultural Management (IF and UFPB), Photography (IFSULDEMINAS) and Web Designer (SENAC). Worked as a scholarship holder in the Human Rights extension project (IFSP) and the Cultural Lab program (BDMG). Have a scholarship in the Laletec/aCOMTECe (IFSP) project. Has experience in the areas of cultural production and management, art education, mediation and curatorship. works effectively in the Olhar Circular (visual arts) and Cine Olhar (audiovisual) projects. The research focus covers themes in visual arts; art education; language; cognition; sociocultural projects; non-formal education; learning and plurality.

Rosana Ferrareto Lourenço Rodrigues, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Sao Paulo (IFSP) - São João da Boa Vista

PhD in Linguistics and Portuguese Language (Cognitive Linguistics, Unesp, 2012). Visiting scholar at the Department of Cognitive Sciences at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio, USA (2018/2019). Master in Linguistics (Argumentation and Rhetoric, Unifran, 2008). Specialist in Instructional Design (Unifei, 2015) and in English Language (Unifran, 2006). Degree in Languages - Portuguese/English (Unifeg, 1997). Language Professor in the Campus São João da Boa Vista and in the Master's Professional Program in Professional and Technological Education (ProfEPT), Campus Sertãozinho, at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo. Coordinator of the Specialization in Education & Technology. Leader of the Scientific Communication Research Group aCOMTECe. Researcher in: Cognitive Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Educational Practices in Professional and Technological Education, Scientific Communication, Writing as a learning process, Cognitive Narrative, Frame Semantics, Multimodality in Language, Argumentation and Rhetoric, Technology and Education, Active Methodologies, Mobile Learning, Teacher Training and Assessment.


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How to Cite

de Freitas Marques Evangelista, L., & Ferrareto Lourenço Rodrigues, R. (2022). MULTIMODAL LITERACY AND ART EDUCATION FOR INTEGRATIVE EDUCATION: A COGNITIVE RHETORICAL STUDY OF COLLEGE BOY MUSIC VIDEO. Educação Em Foco, 25(46), 188–227.