Cooperative learning in times of Covid-19

an experience of coordinated teaching of epistemology and methodology




Geography, Pandemic, Remote teaching


In this article we expose the planning and execution of a teaching program involving groups of freshmen and veterans of a Geography teacher training course. During four consecutive semesters, we promoted a meeting between students enrolled in disciplines that approach themes of science theory and scientific research project. The aim was to take advantage of the exceptionality of a distance teaching regime and test a cooperative learning mode: making them aware of science as a practice that involves strategy and communication. We conclude that the experience was valid for an education on the nature of science; and that, despite certain mishaps, technological platforms enable satisfactory interactions and learning – whether in synchronous or asynchronous activities.


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Author Biography

Dante Reis Junior, Universidade de Brasília

Degree in Geography (UFPel, 2000), Master in Geography (UNESP, 2003) and Doctor of Science (UNICAMP, 2007). Researcher in the areas of History, Philosophy and Teaching of Geographic Science. Associate Professor at the Department of Geography at the University of Brasília, UnB (occupancy since 2008).


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How to Cite

Reis Junior, D. (2023). Cooperative learning in times of Covid-19: an experience of coordinated teaching of epistemology and methodology. Educação Em Foco, 26(48).