- Writing as Assemblage

Exploring Lines of Becoming Minor





Occupational Therapy. Professional Masters. Remote Teaching. Writing exercise.


What sensitive frequencies can be mobilized in the writing processes? Two lines unfold from this question formulated in the context of a Professional Master in Occupational Therapy at the Medical School of USP: the insufficiency of written language to name dimensions of experience that are brought into the research field, that carry something unspeakable; and the insecurity before what is named as academic writing. We will reflect on a process lived in this master's program that involved the experiences of the pandemic, of social distancing, of remote teaching, and the challenge of, amidst the squares of the screen, bringing out an encounter between bodies. Through writing exercises, it was possible to create intimacy between writer and text, to bring about lines of becoming minor that generated displacements in what imprisoned writing and thinking, and to highlight the power of experience in the formulation of students' research questions.


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Author Biographies

Elizabeth Lima, Universidade de São Paulo

Associate Professor at the Occupational Therapy Course at the University of São Paulo Medical School, she teaches at the undergraduate level, in the Professional Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy and Social Inclusion Processes - FMUSP, and in the Aesthetics and Art History Postgraduate Program - MAC-USP. She is coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies and Research Art, Body and Occupational Therapy - USP and researches on the interface art, health, culture and the production of subjectivity.

Adriana Marcondes Machado, University of São Paulo

Associate Professor at the Institute of Psychology at the University of São Paulo, she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in School Psychology and Human Development at IPUSP and in the Professional Masters in Occupational Therapy and Social Inclusion Processes at the School of Medicine at USP. She coordinates the School Psychology Service at IPUSP since 2014 and researches on the interface between psychology and education, inclusive education, institutional intervention, writing and training.

Erika Alvarez Inforsato, University of São Paulo

PhD Professor of Occupational Therapy at the University of São Paulo Medical School, she teaches undergraduate courses, in the Professional Master's Degree in Occupational Therapy and Social Inclusion Processes - FMUSP, and in the Aesthetics and Art History Postgraduate Program - MAC-USP. She is a researcher at the Laboratório de Estudos e Pesquisa Arte, Corpo e Terapia Ocupacional - USP and researches about the interface art, health and culture, writing and subjectivity production.


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How to Cite

Lima, E., Marcondes Machado, A., & Alvarez Inforsato, E. (2022). - Writing as Assemblage: Exploring Lines of Becoming Minor. Educação Em Foco, 25(47). https://doi.org/10.36704/eef.v25i47.6909



Dossiê - No enquanto da pandemia: grupalidade, cuidado e invenções na formação universitária.