Science teaching in early childhood education between the years 2005 to 2021




Literature review. Classroom. Sciences. Child


The teaching of Science in Early Childhood Education should be carried out by themes that have meanings for children, arousing their interest and curiosity. In this perspective, the present study sought to understand the teaching of science in Early Childhood Education through the identification of the themes and support materials used in the classroom. Theoretical support was sought in official documents and scientific articles. The present research used the methodology of bibliographic review with content analysis. Fourteen articles were selected for analysis, which were categorized according to the themes and materials used for teaching Science in Early Childhood Education. The study showed that there is a diversity of themes to be developed in Early Childhood Education, in addition to identifying the predominance of the environment theme and the importance of using various support materials for science teaching.


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Author Biographies

Mariana Reis Cotrim Gonçalves, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - Câmpus São Carlos

Mariana Reis Cotrim Gonçalves - Possui graduação em Pedagogia - Licenciatura plena pelo Centro Universitário Católico Salesiano Auxilium (2016), pós- graduada pelo Instituto Federal de São Paulo Câmpus São Carlos. Tem experiência em Educação, atualmente professora efetiva na rede Municipal de Itirapina, atuando na Educação Infantil. 

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Renata Martins dos Santos Paro, Istituto Federal de São Paulo - Câmpus São Carlos

Doctorate in the Graduate Program in Ecology and Natural Resources 2010 - 2014 - Federal University of São Carlos Title: Structure of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic communities in the Guarapiranga Reservoir (São Paulo) and relationships with hydrodynamics and eutrophication Odete Rocha. Scholarship holder: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, CAPES, Brazil. Keywords: Cyanobacteria; rotifers; Functional groups; Secondary production; Anthropogenic impacts. Master in Graduate Program in Ecology and Natural Resources 2008 - 2010 Federal University of São Carlos Title: Structure of phytoplankton and zooplankton communities, with emphasis on secondary zooplankton production, and related environmental factors in the Lower Tietê River reservoirs, SP,Year of Obtention: 2010 Odete Rocha.Scholarship holder: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, Brazil. Specialization in Specialization Course in Natural Science Teaching Methodology 2016 - 2017 University of São Paulo Title: Cooperative Learning in Biology Teaching: discovering the origin of life with the jigsaw method Graduation in Normal Superior 2016 - 2017 State Center for Technological Education Paula Souza Title: Untitled Graduation in Biological Sciences 2004 - 2008 Federal University of Alfenas Title: Diversity and production of Cladocera in four points of the reservoir of the UHE of Furnas-MG (Rives Cabo Verde, Muzambão, Sapucaí and the junction of the three rivers) Advisor: Maria José dos Santos Wisniewski Scholarship holder: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Reis Cotrim Gonçalves, M., & Martins dos Santos Paro, R. (2024). Science teaching in early childhood education between the years 2005 to 2021. Educação Em Foco, 27(51), 1–25.